Friday, March 13, 2009

Could I have some time to think about it

New & Latest Sardar Sms

Three men were applying for the same job as a detective. One was a Sardarji, one was Jewish, and

one was Italian. The chief decided to ask each applicant just one question and base his decision

upon that answer. When the Jewish man arrived for his interview, the chief asked him, "Who killed

Jesus Christ?" The Jewish man answered without hesitation. "The Romans killed him." The chief

thanked him and he left. When the Italian man arrived for his interview, the chief asked the Same

question. He replied "Jesus was killed by the Jews." Again, the chief thanked the man who then

left. Finally the Sardarji arrived for his interview, he was asked the same question. He thought for a

long time, before saying,"Could I have some time to think about it?" The chief said,"OK, but get

back to me tomorrow." When the Sardarji arrived home, his wife asked "How was the interview ?".

Sardarji replied, "Great, I got the job, and I'm already investigating a murder.....


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